May 2, 2024

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Matt Reeves swears he doesn't do a Marvel Easter egg

Matt Reeves swears he doesn’t do a Marvel Easter egg


[تحتويهذهالمقالةعلىمفسدينجديينومهمينلـ[Thisarticlecontainsseriousbig-timespoilersforBatman, including one scene that is not in the movie, but will likely be released at some point. Consider yourself a warning.]

it’s not completely It’s clear, at this point, what the ambitions of the Warner Media franchise are about Batman be. (Despite the fact that the movie is already on the right track The era of COVID Box office tops Suggests that they will end up starting and stopping at “Yes, please!”) Matt Reeves The film is found in a strange space in the company’s larger superhero projects, clearly not in line with both the Snyderverse films, as well as Joaquin Phoenix’s billion-dollar project. Joker. (However, Reeves is clearly excited to continue playing in space, if that’s the case penguin popup series is any indicator.)

Any sequel speculation is likely only to be prompted by the film’s penultimate scene, which sees Paul Dano Ridler hurled into the Arkham Asylum, only to be appeased by the unseen, but laughing, The man in the next dungeon, clearly expressed (and played in silhouette) by Actor Barry Keoghan. Although he was listed in initial notes as playing a police officer in the film, fans have quickly adjusted to the idea that Keoghan might be playing the movie’s version of the iconic crime clown The Joker, both through some small insinuations on social media, and Also because, well, Who is the else Can you portray Barry Keoghan as in the Batman universe? (Seriously: Go ahead and watch green knight Again he told us he doesn’t play medieval Dickhead’s Joker in everything but the name.)

Now at Reeves In an interview with diverse End of this weekI swear Keogan’s not in the movie just trying to create a future Batman sequel. “Reeves confirms it’s not an Easter egg scene. “It’s not one of those final credits for Marvel or DC scenes where you’re headed, like, ‘Hey, this is the next movie! “Actually, I have no idea when or if we will return to that character in the movies.”

Whether this is true or not, Reeves also notes that Keoghan actually filmed another scene for the movie – where he and Batman Robert Pattinson have a similarly ambiguous conversation. The aforementioned talk would have taken place earlier in the movie, with Bates Bates sneaking into Arkham to get a little Silence of the Lambs time with the invisible killer, Trying to get to the Riddler’s head. Notably, the scene apparently includes a line from the future Joker saying,Our anniversary is approaching,” sketched in a slightly more dramatic backdrop to this version of Gotham.

Reeves says he cut the scene because it was considered Unnecessary in a three-hour movie already, but it does suggest he’ll likely release it in some form at some point. As for any new Keoghan Joker material, Reeves stresses it’s an open question. “There may be places. There are things I’m very interested in doing in the Arkham space, probably for HBO Max. There are things we talked about there. So it is very possible. It is also not impossible, for there to be some story going back where the Joker comes into our world.”

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