April 29, 2024

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Call of Duty now allows you to destroy cheaters with your own automatic god mode

Call of Duty’s anti-cheat system makes legitimate players invisible to cheaters

in a new way Blog postThe developers behind Call of duty‘s Anti-cheat recoil system They have defined a new “anonymization” procedure that makes legitimate players invisible to cheaters. It makes it impossible for cheaters to be competitors during a match, regardless of any illegal software they might be using.

“Characters, bullets, and even sounds from legitimate players will not be detected by cheaters,” the blog post stated. “However, legitimate players can see cheaters affected by concealment… and they can shrug off the penalty in the game.” The new anonymization feature is introduced along with a previous anti-fraud measure Damage shield is calledwhich means that cheater bullets will not cause any harm to other players.

Although Team Ricochet is only detailing the anonymization feature now, it appears that it was somehow available in Call of Duty: War Zone Since at least mid-February, when a video of anti-fraud measures was posted on Twitter.

Call of dutyCheater developers have banned tens of thousands of cheaters in recent months, but her blog post notes that allowing cheaters to continue playing in this compromised state means they can “[collect] data necessary to determine cheating behavior.” It also encourages players to keep reporting cheaters manually so that it can improve cheat detection features.

Ricochet kernel-level anti-cheat driver that runs natively on computers was previously available for war zone But it is now launched in forefrontaccording to the blog post. Eurogamer Notes That the anti-cheat system also has a server-side component that has been available to both of them for a long time Call of duty games.

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In the blog post, Team Ricochet confirmed that it has banned an additional 54,000 accounts since the last major update (which banned 90,000 accounts). Banned players will be removed from the leaderboards, she says.