Friday, July 26, 2024

According to a senior US official, the G7 will tighten its grip on Russia; Volodymyr Zelensky was called remotely

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Hosted live by Clemence Apetogbor and Solène L’Hénoret

Cover Image: G7 flag at the summit on June 26 in Germany. Ronnie Hartmann / AFP

  • Of Russian missiles On Sunday, it struck a nearby residential complex Kiev Center, According to authorities, one person was killed and several others were injured. Moscow says the attacks targeted a missile manufacturing plant “Lie” They claim to have attacked the residential area.
  • These Russian strikes actually took place a few hours ago G7 leaders meet (Germany, Canada, USA, France, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom) In a castle in the Bavarian Alps, In Germany.
  • President of the United States, Joe BidenAs described “Barbarism” Attack on kyiv. British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, French President Emmanuel Macron has warnedAgainst any attempt to negotiate “Now” Peace prevails in Ukraine with Moscow.
  • The four countries, one that Mr Biden said would join, announced that the other three countries would join when the G7 opens Ban on gold imports from Russia.
  • The The Ukrainian president is expected to demand more weapons on Monday For his country and for G7 leaders to further strengthen Western sanctions against Moscow.

See also  Orban says the EU is "not in a position" to start accession talks with Ukraine