Can China control the moon?
Former NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine has responded to America and China’s battle for space supremacy as China makes ambitious plans for a “one nation” universe, saying there will be no real ability to seize the Moon.
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The next supermoon – the last of the year – will rise on Thursday evening.
The sturgeon moon will appear opposite the sun at Earth’s longitude at 9:36 p.m. ET, according to NASA.
The rising moon will appear 7 degrees above the east-southeast horizon.
The agency said that the moon will appear full for about three days, from Wednesday until Saturday morning.
The last super month of the year will take its place in August. 11, 2022
Moon with city lights and local fishing boats. The full August Sturgeon moon rises behind Mount Hortiatis and the city of Thessaloniki above the sea, and skywatchers call it the Blue Moon.
(Photo by Nicholas Economou/NoorPhoto from Getty Images)
Saturn, which will appear near the giant moonIt will be near the brightest this year.
Moonlight will interfere with the Barshawi meteor shower, which is expected to peak on Friday and Saturday.
This is the third closest full moon of the year.
The full August Sturgeon moon rises behind Mount Hortiatis and the city of Thessaloniki above the sea, and skywatchers call it the Blue Moon.
(Photo by Nicholas Economou/NoorPhoto from Getty Images)
Supermoons are the largest and brightest full moons of the year.
The whole strawberry supermoon was seen in amazing detail
The term “supermoon” It is defined as either a new moon or a full moon that occurs when the moon is within 90% of its perigee, its closest approach to Earth.
The full moon over Santa Clarita, California, on July 13, 2022.
(credit: NASA/Kevin Gill)
According to the Maine Farmers’ calendar, the Algonquin tribes called this moon sturgeon because of the large fish that are more easily caught at this time of year in the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water.
This moon is also called the green corn moon.
The next full moon will occur on September 10, and is known as the Harvest Moon.
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