Friday, July 26, 2024

Pentagon condemns Russia’s “terrorist campaign” on Ukrainian soil


Pentagon says Russia is waging a “campaign of terror” in Ukraine

There is Russia “failure” On all fronts in its war against Ukraine, US Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley said on Wednesday.

“The Ukrainians have won victory after victory. The Russians have lost every time. They have lost strategically, operationally and I repeat, tactically.”He told a press conference with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

Citing several Russian failures, including the recent withdrawal from the city of Kherson, the American general lamented his decision to engage Moscow. “Terrorist campaign, a campaign aimed at breaking the morale of Ukrainian citizens, causing them maximum suffering”.

Russia on Tuesday carried out massive strikes on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure across the country, close to the Polish border, leaving millions of homes without electricity, kyiv reported. The highest US official estimated approx “Quarter” The missile attack left the Ukrainian population without electricity “About sixty, 90 or even 100”He said while speaking “Great Missile Waves” Since the start of the Russian invasion on February 24, Ukraine has been shelled.

“Blackout yesterday [mardi] It clearly shows that the nuclear safety and security situation in Ukraine has suddenly deteriorated, increasing the risk of a nuclear emergency.The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Rafael Croci said in a press release.

“Intentionally targeting a civilian power grid to cause excessive collateral damage and unnecessary suffering to civilians is a war crime.”General Milley said.

“The prospect of a Ukrainian military victory drives the Russians out of all of Ukraine (…)The likelihood of this happening anytime soon is militarily very unlikely.”, he added. The American general reiterated that with winter approaching and military positions on the battlefield being frozen, this would be an opportunity to open discussions.

See also  Ukrainian army abandons Shivrodonetsk center, 70-80% of the city is controlled by Russian forces

“The Russians are in a really bad place, so you want to negotiate when you’re in a strong position and your opponent is in a weak position.”he added.