Friday, July 26, 2024

Record growth in France, UN Security Council captures Ukraine and Morocco reopens its airspace


Did you miss the early morning news today? To help you see things more clearly we have done a review.

GDP growth reached 7% in France in 2021, unheard of for 52 yearsDisgusting

Development of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) The French reached 7% in 2021, which has not been seen for 52 years, but is coming after a record recession of 2020 (-8%), according to the first estimate released on Friday
I Ince.

With a growth rate of 0.7% in the fourth quarter of 2021, the French economy has “clearly” surpassed its previous level. Health crisis, Underlined by the National Statistics Institute.

Ukraine-Russia conflict: US seizes UN Security Council

Diplomatic pressure is intensifying. United States Announced In a statement on Thursday, he called for a general meeting of the UN Security Council on Monday The crisis around Ukraine Due to Russia’s threat to international security and peace.

First, according to diplomats, the United States hoped to hold this meeting of the Security Council on Friday. But according to the sources, the French and Russian presidents agreed to postpone the scheduled telephone meeting between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin until Monday so as not to interfere.

Corona virus in Morocco: The country is reopening closed airspace two months later

Morocco loses its place. The Moroccan government has decided to reopen airspace for flights departing and arriving in the country from February 7. Closed for more than two months, According to a report released Thursday by MAP.

Authorities were under pressure from the bankrupt tourism department and Moroccans have been stranded abroad since November 29 to block closed borders. Explosion of the Omigron variant.

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