Saturday, July 27, 2024

Table football, alcohol, the culture frenzy of a start-up. Adhere to the company’s “fun and pro” values.


Everyday life in today’s societies is a bit more “start-up” with evening drinking with colleagues, playing table football instead of working, drinking like holes to look “cool”, and being learnedly busy. Elon Musk understands the current frenzy, having removed most of the religious players from Twitter’s foosball team, and you know what?

Twitter work continues!

It should speak of the confusion that reigns in the spirits.

Here, this legal message perfectly explains what I want to tell you.

A cassation court partially overturned a dismissal “following the employee’s critical behavior and his refusal to accept company policy based on various excessive inducements.”
An employee who does not participate in all the aperitifs organized by his employer or who criticizes the excessive drinking of the teams during these “moments of well-being” cannot be fired for this “.

Wait, the totalitarianism of “cool” reaches the height of cretinism!

“A little reminder of the facts. The employee in question was hired by Cubik Partners in 2011 as a senior consultant, then promoted to director in 2014. He was fired a year later for “professional incompetence” and specifically “refusal to adhere to values.” of Company & Pro”.

In this judgment, the magistrates actually held that “the dismissal (ie) interfered with the employee’s exercise of his freedom of expression; Appellate Court Mr. D. It found that the company’s “value of fun and pro” could not be blamed for not integrating.

This value, according to the court, “resulted in excessive drinking, encouraged by peers who made large amounts of alcohol available, by required participation in seminars and weekend drinks, and was reflected in prostitution, bullying, and peer-recommended practices. Incitement to various transgressions and excesses.”

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Yes, the more “start-up” you become, the more “fun and pro” you become. When we drink too much, behavior often becomes outrageous and has no place in business, but we are in times of great confusion that creates great mental and moral suffering.

The only way to protect oneself from all this is to live a certain way on the margins or at the back of this sick society.

This is what I do, in the quiet of my countryside, the softness of the crackling fire, and from the top of my Norman loft, the shearing of chickens and the purring cat, I contemplate this world sinking and mad. Spreading, day by day.

Be safe.

Protect yourself.

Protect your soul.

Charles Channott

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