Friday, July 26, 2024

Ursula van der Leyen was officially invested by the European People's Party for a new mandate as President of the European Commission


The current president of the European Commission received broad support from members present on Thursday, with 400 votes in favor and 89 against.



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Ursula von der Leyen, in Bucharest (Romania) on March 7, 2024 (Daniel Mihailescu/AFP)

He could run for a second term as president of the European Commission. Ursula von der Leyen officially joined the European People's Party (EPP), her conservative political family, on Thursday March 7 at a congress in Bucharest. It received broad support from members present (400 votes in favor, 89 against), an EPP representative announced from the platform after the vote.

To be re-elected president of the commission, the 65-year-old German will need to convince a majority of the continent's leaders this summer and secure a favorable vote from the newly renewed European delegation at the end of the European elections. It will be held in June. The referendum will lead to a renewal of the heads of key EU institutions, including the Commission, which should reflect the political balance resulting from the ballot boxes.