Saturday, July 27, 2024

War in Ukraine. Protest in Donbass, exchange of prisoners … point at night


It is 88 days since Russia began its offensive Invade Ukraine. After weeks of resistance The last Ukrainian fighters In the strategic city of Mariupol, Moscow is now at the forefront A major attack on LuganskOne of the two provinces of the Donbass in the Far East of the country.

Point on Saturday, May 21, 2022.

The “most difficult” situation in Donbass

In his traditional night-time video, Volodymyr Zhelensky said there was no military situation “Not particularly changed” Saturday. However, “The situation in Donbass is very difficult”, He insisted. But the Ukrainian army “Prevent this attack. Every day that our defenders disrupt the plans of the Russians, the important day we all want and the important day we fight is approaching. Victory Day.”.

The Ukrainian president said the end of the war would only go through diplomacy. “According to them, all these conquests – the occupation of the Crimea or the Donbass – are very temporary. All this will return to us because it is our territory.he said.

Mikhailo Podoliak, an adviser to Volodymyr Zelensky, declined to agree to a ceasefire and said kyiv would not agree to any agreement with Moscow to give up land. “The war (with concessions) will not end. It will be blocked for a while ”Said

Russian offensive continues in Chevroletonetsk

According to Sergei Keidan, Ukrainian Governor of the Lugansk Region “The Russians are throwing all efforts to capture Chevroletonetsky” Where to strike “Multiplied in recent days”.

“The city is being destroyed just as Rubisne and Bopasna were destroyed He denounced Russian forces for destroying the Pavlograt bridge “This will greatly complicate the evacuation of civilians and the delivery of humanitarian trucks.”.

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Bombed church in Bogorodychne

Ukrainian police say they have evacuated about 60 people, including children, from a bombed-out church in the village of Pokorodiknev in the Donetsk region, with no casualties.

Further north, Kharkiv regional governor Oleg Sinekopov said nearby cities had been hit by heavy artillery fire in the past 24 hours, killing one person and wounding 20 others.

The ruble is under threat in Saporizia

In the province of Saporizia, west of Donetsk, Russian artillery systems were destroyed “Through Integrated Actions” Between the guerrillas and the Ukrainian soldiers, the regional military administration was quoted as saying Kiev Independent. According to the same source, Russian occupation forces are threatening traders who refuse the ruble.

Further south, in Mykolayiv, Mayor Oleksandr Chenkevich Mayor, quoted Kiev IndependentSeveral missile explosions were reported at night, reminding its citizens “The rule of two walls”Thus there should be two walls between himself and the street in case of an explosion.

Funeral services for Ukrainian soldiers near Kharkiv

Saturday is the time of burial in the military square of the cemetery of the village Besliudikova, which was liberated a month ago at the cost of heavy fighting, near Kharkiv, the country’s second city near the Russian border.

An empty cemetery in the military square of Besliudikova cemetery. | Dimitar Tilkoff / AFP

“They were found with five other bodies that we could not identify. They are suspected to have been hanged. They were shot in the back of the head.An unnamed soldier tells of two soldiers who were buried.

The future transfer of Ukrainian prisoners to someone close to Putin?

Russia will “To study” Opportunity to exchange fighters Deputy Protestant and Russian negotiator Leonid Slotsky said on Saturday that prisoners of the Ukrainian Azov Brigade against Vladimir Putin’s close friend Victor Medvetsk.

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Speaking from the separatist city of Donetsk in southeastern Ukraine, he said the possibility of such an exchange would be raised in Moscow. “Rights holders”.

Victor Medvetsuk, 67, a prominent Ukrainian politician and businessman close to the Russian president, was arrested in Ukraine in mid-April when he fled.

An attempt by Ukraine at the WHO

Ukraine is also pushing for a resolution to be submitted to the 194 – member Assembly of the World Health Organization on Sunday. It should condemn Moscow’s attacks on the health system, but also the worst effects of the invasion and the siege of Ukrainian ports on world supplies and the explosion of grain prices.

He will also attend discussions at the Davos Economic Forum in Switzerland starting Monday after a two-year hiatus due to Kovit-19. Volodymyr Zhelensky was the first head of state to address a video conference on Monday. Many Ukrainian politicians will travel in person. The Russians, on the other hand, were expelled.

War in Ukraine. Protest in Donbass, exchange of prisoners … point at night



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