Friday, July 26, 2024

War in Ukraine: Russian arsenal of hypersonic missiles strengthened with development of “Zmeevik”, an “aircraft carrier killer”.


Since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, missile names have become part of the vocabulary of war. Krypton, Zircon, Kinjal, Iskander, the list of missiles is as impressive as their destructive potential… but other newcomers are being announced in a maddened arms race.

The Russian arsenal offers a rich diversity. And it’s not over yet. Russian military could soon expand with anti-ship ballistic missile “Zmeevik”.

Details on site Opex360Chairman of the Duma Security Council [chambre basse du Parlement russe], General Andrey Kartabolov described the Zircon hypersonic missile, which was wrapping up its test program, as an “aircraft carrier killer” that no countermeasures could divert from its target. It should be said that Russia has only one aircraft carrier that has not gone to sea in 5 years. A major difference with the US is that it has modern and efficient aircraft carriers, especially nuclear. But Russia has prioritized the development of “anti-aircraft ship” weapons.

It was TASS that revealed the arrival of a new missile in the Russian arsenal on July 12, describing the machine as an “aircraft carrier killer.”

The Russian Navy is developing a new “carrier killer.” #Missile Ballistics” #Zmeevik » Equipped with warship #Hypersonic. The missile could enter service with the Navy’s coastal forces. Zmeevik has a range of 4000 km

— International Network (@reseau_internat) July 13, 2022

Russia is developing a new “carrier killer,” the Zmeevik ballistic missile, a hypersonic warhead for the Navy, two sources close to the Defense Ministry and the military-industrial complex told Russian news agency TASS.

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The Moskva frigate incident just weeks after the start of the war in Ukraine exposed the weaknesses of Russian ships against powerful subsonic missiles.

Tass did not provide details on the new “Zmeevik” anti-ship missile. “Long time in development“.

The outlines of the development are very vague… Among the leaked rare components, the new missile will have characteristics similar to the Chinese DF-21D and DF-26B missiles, which have a range of 1800 and 4000 km, respectively.