May 16, 2024

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European Parliament puts Ursula van der Leyen under pressure

European Parliament puts Ursula van der Leyen under pressure

Europeans spend a lot of time at Viktor Orbán at the moment. In capitals, people are trying to convince the Hungarian prime minister to lift his veto over the 50 billion euros in social aid to Ukraine over the next four years, either at the Commission or the European Parliament. There is urgency as Kyiv runs out of money in March and European leaders and governments hope to reach an agreement by the next meeting in Brussels on the 1st.There is February.

Strategies vary from one company to another. Six months before the European elections scheduled for June 9, MEPs are playing for the balance of power, while social executives and twenty-seven currently favor less aggressive communication.

The European Parliament does not participate in the negotiations between the Commission, Member States and Budapest, but it wants to influence the discussions. In this context, he decided to put pressure on the head of the commission, Ursula van der Leyen, so that she would not succumb to the threat of Victor Orban, always ready to cash in on his support. This is the subject of a resolution initiated by the conservatives of the EPP, the social democrats of the S&D, the liberals, the Greens and the extreme left of the Left, which must be adopted in Strasbourg on Thursday, January 18.

On December 13, 2023, MEPs criticize the social executive for breaking the Hungarian law by releasing 10.2 billion euros in social funds. In their view, Budapest did not complete the reforms to ensure the independence of the Hungarian judiciary, which Brussels demanded instead. If Viktor Orbán wins his case, they rule, because despite his veto threat, let the Europeans announce the opening of negotiations for Ukraine's membership in the European Union (EU).

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“Not a Sales Machine”

“In exchange for a ten billion release, Orban left the room” Council on December 14, 2023, Leaving his colleagues to decide, Belgium's elected official Guy Verhofstadt (Renewal) protested in Hemicycle. Before telling Ursula van der Leyen that if she's this kind of bargain, she is “Serious problems in this European Parliament”.

“Europe is not an ATM”Launched her Italian colleague Elisabetta Qualmini (S&D), denouncing Victor Orban, “Putin's Friend”take “Europe was held hostage at every historical turning point”. In their resolution, MEPs threaten to refer the matter of the Commission's decision to the Court of Justice of the European Union on December 13, 2023. “See you in court”German Green started Daniel Freund to complete his intervention.

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