Grand Theft Auto V now loads faster on PlayStation 5

Grand Theft Auto V now loads faster on PlayStation 5

Grand Theft Auto V

screenshot: GTA V

Grand Theft Auto V It’s a very good video game, we’ve known this for nearly a decade across platforms than we should have ever known, but one thing the game hasn’t been able to solve within that time frame is the massive loading time.

While on the one hand it’s totally understandable – the game loads an entire open world, and does it with legacy code – on the other hand, we’re now living in 2022 and 90-second loading times are a pain in the ass.

As the game will be re-released from the next generation on PS5 and Xbox Series X | s in a few hours it will probably be time to check in and see how this particular concern goes, especially since we don’t really need to know any of the other improvements (of course it will look great, looks great on PC, and looks great on PS4 Pro / Xbox One X as well).

VGC crush the numbers From registering “start/load” to taking control, and I found that while playing the PlayStation 4 it took 1:33 to load the game, on the PlayStation 5 that number dropped to “only” 27 seconds. I say “only” because while this is a massive cut, there’s still plenty for the console that sold itself to have practically no load times (but again, we’ll apologize for this particular game since it was originally developed for Play station 3).

In case you were wondering, Zack is currently playing Grand Theft Auto Online For coverage later this week on PS5, she says the game’s multiplayer mode also has much-improved load times.

If you’re looking to pick the game (again) on new consoles, beware, there are some strange pricing discrepancies. As a launch offer until June 14th, GTA V’s Story Mode will be $10 on PS5 and GTA Online It will be free, while on Xbox Series X | S Story Mode will be $20 and GTA Online It will be 10 bucks.

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