Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hamas’s military wing has promised that no hostages will be released alive without an exchange of money


A French warship shot down two drones from Yemen in the Red Sea

A French warship patrolling the Red Sea overnight shot down two drones from Houthi rebel-held northern Yemen that are threatening to disrupt traffic along the strategic sea route as part of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces said in a press release that the multi-force warship Languedoc Shot down the drones that came towards her. “Interference and destruction of these two identified threats” It happened near the port of Hodeida in northern Yemen, about 110 kilometers off the Yemeni coast.

On Saturday, the Houthis threatened to attack any ship sailing towards Israel in the Red Sea unless urgent aid was received by the people of the Gaza Strip. The rebels said in a statement posted on social media ahead of the French announcement “Preventing ships from sailing towards the Zionist Organization” If the residents of the Palestinian territories bombarded by Israel for two months still do not receive humanitarian aid.

Hamas, its member “Axis of Resistance” Those against Israel, especially those with Hezbollah and the Houthis, welcomed the decision “The Bold and the Courageous” Yemeni rebels. “We call on all Arab and Muslim countries, based on their historical responsibilities and in the spirit of heroism, to lift the blockade of Gaza”Hamas added in a press release sent to Agence France-Presse.

Last week, the Houthis attacked two ships off the coast of Yemen, one of which flew the Bahamas flag, which it claimed belonged to the Israelis. According to Washington, a US destroyer last week shot down three drones while assisting merchant ships in the Red Sea. “direct threat” For maritime security.

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