“It’s a war of civilizations!”

“It’s a war of civilizations!”

Exclusive maintenance – To the Israeli Prime Minister, “There is no Palestinian state” and Israel will maintain control of security “from the Jordan to the sea”.

Special correspondent in Tel Aviv

In front of a map of the Middle East in his office in the heart of Kirya, the IDF headquarters complex in Tel Aviv, we caught up with the 74-year-old Ben-Gurion record-breaker. For long life as the leader of the Israeli nation.

LE FIGARO. – What do you think about Joe Biden’s proposal for a cease-fire in Gaza, which was included in the UN Security Council resolution? ?

Benjamin Netanyahu. – We agreed to a temporary ceasefire to free the hostages. Hamas refuses to release them because it demands a permanent ceasefire, which would leave these terrorists in control of Gaza and ready to repeat the massacres of October 7, 2023 – burning children, raping women, kidnapping Holocaust survivors. No responsible government would accept this. Everyone today recognizes that it was Chinwar (Army Chief, Editor’s Note) and Hamas leaders blocking a deal. War…

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