The damage is “substantial” after a volcanic eruption

The damage is “substantial” after a volcanic eruption

The Internet network was disconnected, the first components were sent by satellite phone or installed thanks to intelligence overflies.

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One of the worst things to fear after a powerful volcanic eruption in the Tonga Islands. Tuesday, January 18 International organizations responsible for assessing damage “Significant damage”. “From the little information we have, the magnitude of the disaster could be enormous, especially on the most isolated islands.”Katie Greenwood of the International Committee of the Red Cross said.

The first estimates of the extent of the crisis were sent by satellite phone or installed by spy planes in a country disconnected from the Internet network after a cable broke. No casualties were reported, but his family said the body of a British man swept away by a tsunami had been found. Missing at least one person in the archipelago.

The first confirmed victim was a 50-year-old woman named Angela Gower, who went out to run with her dog and disappeared shortly after the tidal wave. “My family was saddened to learn that my sister Angela’s body had been found today., Told his brother Nick Ellini Defender (In English). James managed to grab a tree for a while, but Angela could not do it and was swept away by the dog. “

Australia and New Zealand sent Orion spy planes over Tonga the previous day, ready to send aid ships. The capital, Nuku’alofa, was covered with two centimeters of ash and volcanic dust, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) emergency report. Power has been restored in some parts of the city. The local telephone network was also restored, but international communications were disrupted. Rocks and debris were blown inland by the tsunami and damaged the Nuku’aloba Strait.

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The New Zealand Defense Minister believes water should be given priority as there is a risk of contamination by volcanic debris. France, “Tonga Kingdom Neighbor” Through the foreign partnership of Wallis-and-Futuna, said “Ready to meet the most urgent needs of the people”, According to a press release.


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