“The people of Senegal have chosen decay”

“The people of Senegal have chosen decay”

Senegal's future president, the fifth in the country's history, is no longer in doubt to win the first round on Sunday March 24, this Monday evening, Mackie spoke after receiving Salin's congratulations.

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He won the presidential election Senegal, Pasiroo Diomaye – The best of Pasiroo DiomayeThe 44-year-old made her first public appearance this Monday evening, after announcing her stunning victory in the first round of voting.

« To the international community and to our bilateral and multilateral partners, I would like to say that Senegal will always take its place as an ally, a safe and reliable ally of any partner that engages with us in virtue, respect and mutuality. Production “, he told reporters.

Mr. Fay wants to bring the idea of ​​change within ECOWAS, the Economic Community of West African States: ” I appeal to our African brothers and sisters to consolidate the achievements gained in the process of building the integration of ECOWAS by correcting the weaknesses and changing some methods, strategies and political priorities. »

I will undertake similar actions, with the same self-sacrifice, for the unity and economic and political integration of the continent.

« The people of Senegal have chosen to break », considers the next president, the youngest head of state in the history of his country. A break with the system in place. He promises ” Priority projects “will be” National harmony », Reorganization of Companies, ” Strengthens our lives “,” Significant reduction in cost of living ».

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Bassiro Diomae Fay also promised ” Against corruption ”, and this at all levels. ” This victory is a victory for all Senegalese and all Senegalese people here and in the diaspora “, repeated.

Dear people of Senegal and foreign guests living among us, the holding of the presidential election is above all dedicated to the success of the struggle of the people, the Senegalese people in defense of their sovereignty and democracy. values.

The president-elect, committed to “governing with humility and transparency”, was eager to salute the “posture” of the other candidates, “without exception, respecting the most Senegalese tradition, not even waiting for the declaration of the official. Decisions of recognized state authorities.

Their felicitations are eloquent testimonies of their magnanimity, humility, adherence to republican values ​​and democratic ideals. I salute the posture of President Mackie Sall, whose vigilance and commitment made it possible to guarantee a free, democratic and transparent vote and ensure a decision approved by all protagonists.


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