The UN has blamed the killings on the military

The UN has blamed the killings on the military

The United Nations Security Council (UN Security Council) on Wednesday, December 29, condemned a massacre by the Burmese army that left at least thirty – five people, including two NGO workers. Save the children, found in eastern Burma. According to a report released by the Security Council, four children were among the victims “Those responsible for these acts must be taken into account”.

Council members also called for an immediate end to the violence “The Importance of Respect for Human Rights and the Guarantee of Public Safety”.

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Save the Children on Tuesday, two of its employees were killed in the December 24 attack “Dedicated by Burmese soldiers in the state of Gaya”, In eastern Burma. According to the Myanmar Witness Observatory, “On December 24, 35 people, including children and women, were burned to death by the army in the province of Hpruso.”.

The United States wants an arms embargo

A spokesman for the military junta acknowledged that clashes had erupted in the area on December 25 and that several soldiers had been killed without further details.

In the aftermath of the massacre, the United States again called for an arms embargo on Burma.

Burma 1 is in turmoil since the coupThere is February; The local NGO says more than 1,300 people have been killed in armed repression.

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World with AFP


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